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Why is Tyre Check an Important Aspect of Car Servicing?

One of the most crucial yet under overlooked car safety precautions is regular tyre check-up. Given the fact that tyres are the single point of contact between the road and a vehicle, and with mere air supporting a vehicle’s entire weight, it is only right for drivers to give them extra attention. When your tyres are in perfect condition, you can more confidently and enjoy a safer, more secure driving experience. 

Make sure the pressure is just right

Incorrect tyre pressure has a negative impact on your vehicle’ handling, grip, and braking performance. With this in mind, Sydney auto mechanics recommend getting your car tyres check on a regular basis. Under-pressurised tyres are unsafe, regardless of your vehicle’s make and model. The same can be said with over-pressurised tyres pose danger not only to you but other drivers on the road. Serious damages develop to the inner portion of tyres by over-pressurisation, while erosion of the outer tyres typically happen with those that are under-pressurised. Damages caused by external factors such as punctures, malfunctioning valves can lead to deflation- a problem that can happen abruptly or over time. 

The correct tyre pressure is measured in Pounds per Square Inch (PSI) and largely depends on your vehicle manufacturer. The right tyre pressure for your vehicle is typically found on the owner’s manual, the car sticker door, or on the tyre themselves. The maximum pressure refers to how much pressure a tyre can endure before its structural integrity is compromised, whilst the recommended pressure refers to the correct level of tyre pressure to ensure optimal and safe functioning.  

If you load heavy weight on your vehicle, auto mechanics in Sydney recommend increasing tyre pressure. This is an excellent means to counterbalance the increase in pressure caused by adding more weight onto your vehicle. 

Check the tyre grip

Tyre grip refers to the resulting friction between tyres and the road. If the tyre grip is reduced, a vehicle may experience issues such as uncontrollable sliding and ineffective braking. Simply put, reduced tyre grip compromises your safety on the road.

The major contributing factor to reduced tyre grip is natural wear and tear caused by the friction between the tyre and surface. There are other factors that impact the tyre tread that is crucial to maintain grip. Structural irregularities in the chassis or unequal pressure may cause tyres to get worn at a faster rate. Driving at speed and vigorous braking may also lead to tyres wearing down faster. 

Tyre density also plays an integral role in maintaining tyre grip. In essence, hard tyres last longer but soft tyres have better grip. This creates a dilemma whether longevity or grip is a more valuable attribute of tyres. 

Replace tyres when necessary

Tyre replacement is an essential component of tyre safety. No matter what cautionary and preventative measures are taken to keep tyres in their best possible condition over the course of their natural life, it is inevitable that tyres will be worn down and need to be replaced at regular intervals.

How to solve tyre-related issues through car servicing in Sydney

  • Replacement

So, how often should tyres be replaced to ensure efficiency and safety on the road. The answer to this question will depend on a variety of factors, all of which play heavily influence the rate of wear and tear:

  • Tyre density
  • Frequency of use
  • Type of terrain vehicles are driven over
  • Average speed
  • Breaking activity

According to expert auto mechanics in Sydney, tyres should be checked at least once every week. A regular tyre check will carefully monitor values such as incremental erosion of the tyre material. If tyre treads wear down to 3mm, tyres need to be checked more often, and should be replaced immediately when thread goes down to 2mm. 

  • Monthly Tyre Pressure Check

Check your vehicle manual for its recommended tyre pressure check. It is imperative to get your car tyres checked at least once a month at a trusted auto shop in Sydney. Factors such as over or under inflation can result in uneven wear and tear and reduce longevity. Neglected tyres also influence overall handling and affect braking, cornering, and stability. Low tyre pressure can lead to increased fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. In fact, a tyre inflated by even 1 bar can drive fuel consumption up by six percent. Apart from monthly tyre checks, it is also recommended to have them assessed before and after a long trip. 

If you need to get your tyre checks, let the professional auto mechanics at HP Automotive help you. We offer the best car servicing in Sydney, that which includes comprehensive tyre checks for all makes and models. Our auto mechanics will ensure that you and your car remain safe at all times. If you wish to set a tyre check appointment, please call our direct line on 02 9979 8372 today.